Meet Shlomo & Risha. They've been married for 5 years and have a beautiful 3 year old daughter, Dinah. 

Shlomo worked in real estate within Ukraine and abroad.

Risha was a kindergarten teacher.

This war has brought an end to both of their jobs. The schools have closed and the companies have shut down. 

The city has closed up shop.

There is no Kosher meat or Dairy products at all just basic food items like pasta and kasha.

They have no money coming in.

They have attempted to leave their city but have been unable to do so due to lack of resources. The surrounding countries have been flooded with refugees but the journey requires strenuous travel, hours on packed trains, waiting on lines quite literally all day and night and even then, there is always the fear of being bombed when out in the open and a visa is not guaranteed. 


We can help them in these horrific and uncertain times.


Every dollar goes a long way.


Help A Family Out 

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