Chabad Young Families

Experience the warmth and wonder of Judaism

Our Mission

Judaism begins at home. At Chabad Young Families we are committed to bringing authentic Judaism to every Jewish family on the Upper East Side, regardless of background or affiliation. Join us in experiencing the warmth and wonder of Judaism through our various custom-made programs for families with children ages 0-12. Whether it be Chabad's renowned Hebrew School, Camp Gan Israel, Shabbat dinners, Jewish Woman's Circle, Holiday programs and more - there's a little something for everyone! Stay tuned for the latest family friendly happenings going on in the UES!

Hebrew School 2024/2025

Join us every Monday for an immersive, warm, joyous Jewish atmosphere filled with fun activities & lifelong lessons!


Ages 3-12


Chabad Hebrew School UES

Sign up today!

Candle Lighting Times

New York City, NY, United States
February 14, 2025
Parashat Yitro
Light candles
Friday evening at 5:12 pm
Shabbat ends
Saturday evening at 6:13 pm

Stay In The Know

Join our Chabad Young Families Whatsapp to be informed of all that's going on